It's the furthest I've ever been...New Zealand. Me and Missgohome flying across great war zones and countries where they listen to bad dance music. A big bloody plane. The greatest thing was that there was a camera filming the take-off and landings, so we got a pilots view in a tiny tv in the seat in front!
What could go wrong? We landed in Dubai, a very strange place, lots of rolex adverts. We had a stop over and thought nothing of rolling a small joint and walking around the hotel grounds. And then back on the plane to stop in Malaysia - no gun crime there. I got hold of a local newspaper and on the front page was a report of a student getting his jeans and trainers stolen. But he'd left them outside his flat! A big hunt was on for the fashion conscious thief! They should live where I do, things get stolen all the bloody time!
So a quick fag in Australia (I'm always trying to stop smoking by the way!). And on for fantastic New Zealand. Me and Missgohome were almost pissing our pants in excitement, we'd been travelling for two days. And there is something to be said for breathing fresh air!
Finally we arrived in New Zealand. I couldn't wait to get off the plane, the views were breath taking, four whole weeks of pure holiday freedom!
So we 'touched down' (oh an americanism, how sweet!). Straight away, as soon as I was showing the guy my passport, this lovely dog starts sniffing around me. Ahh, they know! I pat the dog and tell the guy how dogs love me (see dog posting to come later!). He just pulls me over and asks if I've got any drugs on me. Well no sir, can't you see I'm a sweet British woman with great credentials!
Apparently not. They nabbed Missgohome too. And many thanks to her she stuck by me. We were wailing and crying while they searched our bags and threatend us with jail. It was terrifying. We got naked and were filmed all puffy eyed and sad for ourselves. What a tit!
So the story goes that we did get back to the good ole U of K. Much less triumphant than we'd left. We watched 25 odd take off and landings of the small tv and didn't breath fresh air for a week. Air conditioning is killing the world. On the way back those crazies in Dubai gave us a load of hassle and I prayed to the Lord to save my arse - thankfully he's a good man!
Missgohome and I off to Cuba in January, so watch out for more fantastic tales of Forest Trips and Missgohome!