Oh my its been soooo long

I really don't think anyone I know even checks this anymore, but i've just had such a lovely time reading about all my adventures, I thought i'd have to start it up again...and anyway it helps to keep writing and I need a project now that I am a lovely single mum!
So to update anyone who may want to listen...this is what I've been doing since I last wrote on here.
1. I have had the most amazing experience being a mum to my lovely Robin. She is just exactly what I asked for. Confident, noisy, dancy and singy! Brilliant. She fills my day with much laughter. Shes already 2 and a half now...the time has gone so quickly.
2. Trucker jim and I have not stayed together. Its was possibly the worst emotional turmoil ever and broke both our hearts, but now we are here we can both see the this is the best outcome. We are good friends and spend family time with Robin (which is really important to us).
3. I have a lovely two up - two down in my beloved Forest Fields. I've decorated all the rooms in spanking primary colours and made it a cosy little home.
4. For christ sake...I got cancer last year - Hodgkins Lymphoma. What a complete arse pain that was. Being ill for months beforehand and not knowing why, falling asleep all over the place, even on the two trips to Spain I managed in the month of February 2009. What a bitch. Completely bowled me over. My lovely friend Kim, the dancer, came to live in my living room and look after me and Robin. For that I am indebted to her for life. Six months of Chemo, throwing up, losing my hair, looking like shit, putting on weight from the drugs. Ugh. The worst thing was the fucking bone marrow test, shit that really hurt, having part of your bone punctured out - much worse than giving birth, whatever the nurses say. But I'm all better now, just got to get through the next 5 years of remission and I'm home free.
So that's it really. Perhaps I'll post more detailed accounts of the above things later...just wanted to start the ball rolling again xx
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