Czeching in from Czech
Hello, hello
First thing there are no explanation marks so ... is a few and the z are y...
Sorrz for not writing sooner but there was no java--- so couldn§t get it done...
First thing there are no explanation marks so ... is a few and the z are y...
Sorrz for not writing sooner but there was no java--- so couldn§t get it done...
We are in Cyech at the moment and it is
We stayed at a ace campsite with a pond full of croaking fors, I§ve never heard anything like it. I know can see where Paul MacCartnez got the idea from...
The smaller places are the nicest and the waiteresses smile more. We went to Ceskz Krumlove, which is stunning but there are tourists coming out of the walls there so we made a hastz exit.... Plůs no opera, boo hoo...
We made a quick drive though Germanz to get here and accidentlz drove alongside the Rhine for quite a waz, what a magnificent river... We were stunned...
Freddie trauma continues to haunt us though. Ahh, after spending 400 euros on a wheel bearing the mysterious bump continued, then we were told it was the back wheels so we replaced them for 150 pounds and still the bump all we can do is keep on driving, nobody speaks english and what we need to explain is soooo complex... so fingers cross another wheel does not come flzing by....we§ve checked them all so should be ok.
There have been fantastic storms here, as I hear zou have had there. Very scarz when zou are inside something with a plastic roof, the noise is deafening.
There is a fantastic singing fountain in Marianske Lazne - it's got lots of different patterns and every odd hour it booms classical music and the patterns go along with the song, its beautiful and hillarious at the same time. Puts Nottingham's shitty little fountain to shame!! Check out the pics
Out tonight in Brno to let our hair down and have a boogie, then off to the much anticipated Slovakia for some fun in the mountains...
Glad to hear from you. We were a bit worried as we hadnt heard from you for ages. Poor old Freddie still has a rumbley tumbley, never mind hopfully he will keep going and keep you save. Sounds like your both having a fantastic time despite the rocky start which is great.
Keep safe, thinking about you both love from Dad, Christina, Nan, Wickers and the family xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
wow Looks Amaying
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