Ladies on laudanum

Oh me, oh my.
What with this ladies suffrage?
Votes for women and burn your bra!
We want equal rights and equal pay!
No longer shall we squander our days away,
With trifling ladies escapades.
To hell with these easels,
And throw to the winds our needles,
7 and a half hours each day
With work we will have our say!
O bloody bollocks,
These stupid trollops.
What did they think,
When they kicked up this almighty stink?
Now we cry…
We need more time!
Oh give me my tincture
Of laudanum any day!
I know what you mean, I once attended a Ladies on Laudanum rally held in my local village hall.The woman at the back of the hall said 'what the fuck are you doing here, its women only' I replied that i had come to see them burn there bras, with that they all stood up and throw to the wind our needles straight at me.I had to go to A&E and I still have the scars to prove it.
Dont mess with the ladies of laudanum boy.
You WANKER you cant pull any birds at a Laudanum rally there all lesbians.Go to a Grimsby v Scunthorpe football match, I always pull there. Oh and by the way dont beleive everything those Laudanum women say.
Grimsby v Scunthorpe stud
I know what you mean,my girlfriend burnt her bra like the ladies of Laudanum told her to do, and I had to take her to A&E with second degree burns to her tits.
Dont mess with the ladies of laudanum boy
You WANKER, your girlfriend was supposed to take her bra off before she burnt it, didnt you read the small print.
Grimsby v Scunthorpe stud
Hi Grimsby v Scunthorpe stud, the small print was crossed out on that section of the Ladies of Laudanum manifesto.
Dont mess with the ladies of Laundanum boy
You WANKER that was probably my mate Mad Mickey, he sometimes dresses up as one of the ladies of Laudanum and hands out the manifestos on the door as the ladies go in. He sometimes gets bored and crosses out sections in the manifesto, sorry mate but your girlfriend probably got one of those, but hes a mate, what can you do.
Hi Grimsby v Scunthorpe boy, thanks for clearing that up, I know what you mean about mates. My mate Wanker Wilson once put my mums cat tiddles in the microwave to show us what would happen. Tiddles exploded and when my mum came home I told her that Tiddles must have jumped into the microwave when my back was turned just as i was putting a pot noddle in to be heated up, I mean hes a mate what can you do.
Dont mess with the ladies of Laudanum boy
Hi Laudanum boy, I saw your peice in the Forest Trips comments, and was wondering if you have any photos of your girlfriends burnt tits. I know it sounds strange but im doing a project on burnt tits throughout the ages for my college course, and was wondering if you could email me any.
College boy
Hi college boy, sorry but I havent got any photos of my girlfriends burnt tits, infact the day I asked if I could take a photo of them she dumped me. You might like to try the hospital where she was treated thougth, I think they took some for her file. I have a photo of my severed left testicle when I lost control of the strumming large vibrating power tool from the gardening boys diaries series if thats any use.
Laudanum boy
Hi Laudanum boy, sorry to hear that you and your girlfriend split up, but I will try the hospital if you can email the details.Thanks for emailing me the photo of your severed left testicle, but its burnt tits im after, thougth im not having much luck sourcing any images. I will have a word with my tutor about wether I could change my project to severed testicles, as it seems your not the only one to loose your testicles when using the strumming vibrating power tool from the gardening boys diaries, so I might be in touch.
College boy
Hi college boy, yes I thinks thats a great idea to do your project on severed testicles, especially associated with the strumming large vibrating power tool,as featured in the Gardening Boys Diaries Series, apparently Mad Mick (who works at the Argos superstore out of town, the only place that stocks the SLVPT), when he gets bored in the warehouse he opens the packaging and crosses out the section of the manual on novice use. Thats how I lost my left testicle.
Anyway hope thats of some use, good luck with the project.
Laudanum boy
Dad. I know it's you! Are you arguing with yourself again? You should get medical attention, or at least a stiff brandy!
I am new to this and I am quite shocked at the foul and disgusting language being used.I think that yobs such as you Mr Laudanum Boy (if indeed that is your real name),should be be taught some manners.
In my view the birch is too good for you.You should be be put in the stocks outside McDonalds in my beloved Grimsby,and rogered senseless by any passing canine.
Thats the only sort of thing that your type of person seem to understand.
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