
A view into the wonderful world of mad and party hard 20's, 30's and 40's people. Hear about our travels and what we get up to in the gun crime capital of England! Please feel free to make comments and check out those archives, I feel sad that they are already slipping off the front page!

16 November 2006

God damn men

Why oh why do some men feel the need to press their advances? Can't they just be gentlemen? Do they really think they can just grab you and ram their tongue down your throat and as you pull away hold you harder? Where is the respect? If they think they have a chance why don't they do nice things like come for tea and listen to Marilyn Monroe. Now that's romance.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I once asked a girl round for tea, though when i showed her a picture of Marolyn Monroe she thought i was getting fresh with her and she threw the hot tea over me, i still have the scars to prove it.
Sad Loser

1:59 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Sad Loser, you obviously havent read Gardening Boys Diaries Series, available at all good book stores (not those nasty evil bad ones)which gives some hot sex tips and hints, plus how to use the strummimg large vibrating power tool available from the out of town Argos superstore, thought be careful when using it,a few of my mates have lost thier testicles. Read the novice instructions before use.
Sexy women love my armpits stud

4:41 pm  

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