
A view into the wonderful world of mad and party hard 20's, 30's and 40's people. Hear about our travels and what we get up to in the gun crime capital of England! Please feel free to make comments and check out those archives, I feel sad that they are already slipping off the front page!

15 October 2006

Grain, what, ho!

Well if you want the time of your life dancing to some groovy beats you could do no better than Grain. Getting better all the time, with their fabulous dress sense and exciting calls for 'bring out the banjo!', you'll have a night to remember. Loved by all from coal miners to rich hippes...they will blow you off your feet.

For a once in a life time opportunity to hear these fantastic notes log onto

Take a few minutes to listen to the rip roaring 'Campany Name', the changing beautifable 'Choke on the leaf', the oh don't you just love banjos and why aren't there more tunes with harmonicas 'gone fishin', and the fantabulous instrumentalist asianistic beat boxing 'ello pickle'.

Theres more, always more. I'm sure they'd love to come and play with you!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I choked on a leaf once when i was at school, a naughty boy said it was some lettuce and was very tasty, so i had some but it got stuck in my throat and i had to go to A&E to get it removed, i still have the scars. I wish i could see the band but that song would bring back too many un happy memories for me. Good luck to the band.
Leaf hate man

2:14 pm  

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