
A view into the wonderful world of mad and party hard 20's, 30's and 40's people. Hear about our travels and what we get up to in the gun crime capital of England! Please feel free to make comments and check out those archives, I feel sad that they are already slipping off the front page!

15 January 2007

Freddie Year

Yes, that's right. This year it's... Freddie year. The year of the 7, 2007 is going to be a good year. People will learn new things and meet new people. Me and Trucker are off in our Freddie to see the sights across the water, play at being hippies, strumming our guitar on the Adriatic coast. It's such a wonderful thing.

And for all you out there without a Freddie, you can enjoy one through knowing me and my Trucker.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ohh God, you just reminded me of a tortoise I had called Freddie. One day my Auntie (yes the one who was killed in Tescos car park by a forklift after drinking herbal tea) who was a bit blind, mistoke my Freddie for a bowl of heinz beef flavoured soup and put him in the microwave. I tried to save him but burnt my hand trying to get him out. I had to go to A&E and still have the scars to prove it.
Microwave soup instead of a tortoise boy.

5:56 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whats that I hear, being hippies, strumming guitars on the Adriatic coast, meeting new people and cultures then killing them all with your bloody air rifle in the photo. Real hippies dont carry fire-arms man, put the gun down,or stick a daisy in the end of the barrel.
Old hippies dont carry guns man

4:13 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cant beleive my eyes, one minute your talking about love and peace, the next theirs a photo of you shooting the campers on site, what makes it worse is that you smiling as you shoot each one in turn. The girl kneeling in the background waiting to be shoot looks absolutely petrified, have you no compassion. Im sending the images of you both to interpole in order to stop any re-accuring camper massacres.
Make love not war hippie

4:27 pm  

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