“Come one, come all!” cried Samuwell dancing and pointing at a far off beach. “I’m sure we can make it if we try…what’s the worst that can happen eh?”
So sure enough 3 likely ladies turned up their hands and volunteered themselves for the adventure. Myself, of course, Missgohome and Manyhobbiesonelady. We were sure we’d be fine, even as we started to take off our socks and shoesies. One of us was feeling very smug that she had sensibly worn h

er new wellies that day…oh if only she’d known!
We were explorers, searching terrain that people surely hadn’t walked on for years. It was almost pre-historic and filled with many wonderful delights. Up and over, up and over so many towering edifices.

We found magical pink pools…filled with underwater flowers.
Caves with scores of layers from years we had never known.

Rocks that disguised themselves cunningly as wood!
Happily we went until…uh oh! Manyhobbiesonelady drew blood on her finger. We realised that we had been walking for hours and as the first drop of blood mingled with the water, we felt dread creeping on us.
“But surely we haven’t got much further to go? The beach can’t be far now?”
Then we found the best thing of all…is it a elephants tusk?…No whale rib…no it can’t be…well it can’t be an elephants tusk, we’re in Wales!
So we set about carrying the whale rib. Off on our adventure again, we merrily struggled to get the whale rib on to the next ridge of rock. Then oh, disaster again!

I nearly died! Oh yes, it’s true. Trying to squeeze myself far above land on a horizontal crop of rock, I slipped, I nearly went. But oh my loves Missgohome grabbed me leg and Manyhobbiesonelady held me shoulder. I was saved!!!!!!! (Yes I just had a little wee after that incident, not in my clothes though!)
So after near death and spilt blood, we were ready for anything. “We can’t go back now, we’ve gone too far.”
So on we trudged. I filled my boot with water, while Samuwell cunningly removed his trousers to save them from the sea.
As we slipped down a sheet of rock we slowly realised that we couldn’t go any further, the sea was rising, we couldn’t go back. We were trapped!
“Help, help”. Now here is the annoying bit. Tweedle Dee heard us and exclaimed “Is that the missing party calling out.” “No can’t be.”
If we’d of only swum round the corner we would have made it to the beach…we think!
So close to freedom, yet so far. As the sea rose, bugger it, lets call the RNLI!
So that’s just what we did. One hour later, cold and feeling very small a big orange boat came, with men in helmets who carried us through the cold sea to safety. Samuwell who so carefully had saved his trousers instantly dropped them in the water!!
And I hear you ask…”What of that whale rib?”
Well, on dry land we found a placard describing a shipwreck 100 years earlier with a cargo of baby elephant tusks! And we’d found one, 100 years later! We cheered up enormously, had fish and chips and went off to the local barn dance!!